I Belong to a Secret Sisterhood Called PEO

I am proud to belong to Chapter CJ of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, which I have been a part of since I graduated in the year 2000. The group is made up of women who are invited to join after displaying qualities that are looked for in a sisterhood. Those qualities include justice, faith, truth, love and purity.


The Sisterhood is international and was founded in 1869. It is strongly committed to further women’s opportunities in education, with the main project for the sisterhood being the financial support for Cottey College (est. 1884).

Cottey is an independent, liberal arts and sciences college for women located in Nevada (pronounced Na-Vay-Duh), Missouri. There are an estimated 350 students each year and they rightfully pride themselves on their acceptance of so many international students each year. Typically around 25 countries are represented each year.

In addition to the support for Cottey, the P.E.O. Sisterhood also supports a number of different funding opportunities for women seeking education. After all, that is what the acronym stands for: Philanthropic Educational Organization. *wink*

For more information, please visit peointernational.org

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