Each morning I have made it part of my routine for the last few months to share a photo I’ve taken of some flowers with an inspirational quote of some kind. I’ve had many people comment to me that they look forward to it each day, which keeps me flower hunting. This morning my quote was: “You cannot change people, you can only love them.”
My husband made it big at the plant sale today at Westlake Hardware! I saw them looking and stopped by for a bit to have a gaze myself. And while I was there, I did more flower picture hunting!
The 2nd annual city-wide garage sale is coming up this weekend! I was so excited to see the map come out in the Town & Country tonight! There are 69 homes participating this year! That’s exciting!
Thanks to the City of Excelsior Springs for paying for the ad space for the community! Good luck in finding great deals everyone!
I went to visit my grandma this evening and take her some jello cake from my birthday. I couldn’t resist in taking a picture of the foyer in her beautiful and historic apartment building downtown, The Oaks.
This evening on the boulevard was filled with noise as church at the Church of Christ let out across the street. After there are always sounds of children’s laughter and yelling as they play. I enjoy it.