ES Citizens Share Charity of Their Choice if Given Funds

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This past week I posed a question to the citizens in the Excelsior Springs Area News, Events, and Daily Deals Facebook group asking if they were given $100 to donate to a local charity, which one would you choose a why? Here’s a summary of what they had to say:

Top Five

1. Good Samaritan Center – 20 citizens chose this charity
The Good Samaritan Center of Excelsior Springs has been helping those less fortunate in the community for close to 35 years. It was built through a grassroots movement to help the poor in Excelsior in 1986. Today’s program offers financial assistance for housing, transportation, utilities, medical, and has a food pantry in the downtown. It also operates Broadway Bargains Thrift Store, which offers access to citizens in need of clothing and household goods. Click here to learn more about this charity.

2. Meet the Need – 14 citizens chose this charity

Meet the Need was founded by a group of friends who had a desire to help those in need and was incorporated in December 2004. The program offers assistance to the working poor through a food pantry and offering financial assistance. They also operate a Thrift Store and have the Opportunity Cafe, that not only offers great breakfast and lunch choices, but also provides work for those who are unemployed. Click here to learn more about this charity. 

3. Animal Shelter – 11 citizens chose this charity

Our Excelsior Springs Animal Shelter is a favorite charity for Excelsior area citizens to donate to. The Animal Control Officers are committed to public safety and animal welfare in Excelsior Springs. They offer services that include community support for incidents, such as animal bits, dangerous animals, sick or injured animals, animal neglect or cruelty, stray animals, deceased animals, excessive barking, lost or found pets, and any other incident that is cause for concern. They have a wish list on their website and you can follow them on Facebook by clicking here.

4. Veterans – 8 citizens chose this charity

There are several ways to give back to our Excelsior Springs area veterans. We have a Clay & Ray Veterans Hall in the downtown that has weekly Bingo games and offers a way for veterans and their families to connect with one another. We also have an Excelsior Springs Veteran Affairs Outpatient Clinic, located across from Aldi and ES Family Dentistry on McCleary Road.

5. Excelsior Springs School District – 7 citizens chose this charity

Many citizens support donating to the lunch funds of students in our local schools. The Educational Foundation has set up a Tiger in Need fund that allows citizens to make donations and when there is a need that arises, funds are used to clear the debt. This is determined internally by the lunch room workers, classroom teachers, and central office staff that do collections.

Other charities that were mentioned include:

Camp Quality, Wayside Waifs, St. Jude Hospital, ES Friends of Animals, Angel Army, Housing Authority, City Love, Northland Animal Welfare Society (NAWS), KC Pet Project, MO Burn Camp, Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), Shrines, The Darby Rangers, Salvation Army, iRok Foundation, 2nd Mile Ministry, pay a local children’s childcare costs, medical costs, This Little Light of Mine scholarship for Noah’s Ark Preschool, local churches, Red Cross, research for Cancer patients, Ronald McDonald House, and the library.

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5 Places to Volunteer in Excelsior Springs

5 More Places to Volunteer in Excelsior Springs

Connecting My Community


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