There are a number of things happening each week in Excelsior Springs that local citizens might not know that are available to them. Here’s a look at five ongoing events that you can take advantage of each week!
1. Storytime for Toddlers
Parents and caregivers will enjoy a fun and interactive environment with your toddlers that will engage and encourage those next steps into early literacy. Designed for toddlers between 18 and 36 months old and one-on-one caregivers. Program may require parental participation. Register online at Event takes place every Tuesday at 10:30am at the Mid-Continent Public Library in Excelsior Springs.
2. Excelsior Springs Breastfeeding Group
Join Mom’s Helping Moms with experiences, management, and solutions to breastfeeding. If you have any questions, contact Julia Hladky, Certified Lactation Expert, at 816-718-2343. The Breastfeeding Group meets downtown at Relaxation Station, 113 S. Marietta, on 2nd Tuesdays from 5:30pm-7:00pm.
3. ES Optimist Club Meeting
Every Wednesday morning at 6:30am the Excelsior Springs Optimist Club meets at the Excelsior Springs Hospital cafeteria. The group is open to the public. The mission of the Optimist Club is to provide hope and positive vision. Optimists bring out the best in kids. Optimist International is an association of more than 2,900 Optimist clubs around the world dedicated to “Bringing Out the Best in Kids.”
4. Dementia Support Group
A different topic discussed each month, the Excelsior Springs Hospital offers a Demential Support Group in the Outpatient Lobby of the hospital once a month on Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm (next one this Wednesday, February 12th). Registration is not required. For more details, contact Instructor Ann Redmon, Certified Dementia Practitioner, email for more information.
5. ES Rotary Club Meeting
The Excelsior Springs Rotary Club meets weekly on Thursdays at Noon at Ventana Gourmet Grill. Meetings are open to the public and interested parties are encouraged to attend. Rotary is made up 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.
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