5 ESHS Wrestlers Win State Medals

Photo by Rick Schwab
Photo by Rick Schwab

Excelsior Springs was all a buzz this past weekend as citizens followed along virtually, cheering the ESHS Wrestling team state qualifiers on at their state competition. Five of our wrestlers went to the tournament and all five are now coming home as medalists, and among them, a state champion!

Rounds actually started on Thursday and by the end of the night, all five wrestlers had qualified for the quarterfinals the next day. Using social media to keep everyone updated, Coaches Rick Schwab and Brock Nessa released posts with pictures and placements along the way that are pictured below. Parents live streamed the tournaments, so everyone at home could see! Follow their posts below as each Tiger takes victory!





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Receiving their medals:

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Watch the State Championship match that Damon Ashworth won:

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