Mayor Powell’s 2020 Year in Review

During this week’s Rotary meeting held via Zoom, Excelsior Springs Mayor Sharon Powell gave a City Year in Review to members from progress taking place in 2020:

General City:

City Manager Molly McGovern began a newsletter for better communication. Citizens can sign up to receive notification when there are new updates posted every Sunday.

City received savings through a Certificate of Participation bond refund for outstanding water and sewer bonds.

State audit has been underway for the past year and we anticipate responses from the state in the near future.

Communities of Excellence work has been underway for a couple of years now and as we enter our third year we have seen some great movement. Be sure to follow them on Facebook under Thrive Excelsior.

For the first time in history the Mayor (Sharon Powell) and Mayor Pro Tem (Sonya Morgan) position has been held by women following the June elections.

The City pivoted to online meetings as the spike in positive coronavirus cases made their way to Excelsior Springs.

Community Center:

Wellness Café opened and has since transferred to City ownership. Nutritionist Stephanie Marcum will be offering healthy options for citizens via the Center.

Online training and classes become the “norm” during the pandemic.

Center acted as an off-site emergency service site (along with First United Methodist) for fire personnel safety in regard to the virus.

Community Development:

Big construction projects: Cornerstone Elementary, Miller Cabinet, 118/120 E Broadway, 69 Storage, Clacton Estates (first subdivision in more than 10 years to be planned)

Medical Marijuana site designated within the City at the old Brown’s Drugs location in Crown Hill Shopping Center.

Hall of Waters received a $500,000 grant from Save America’s Treasures and was listed on the 11 Most Endangered Places.

353 projects were approved in April that resulted in $450,000 in private investment.

City approved a Price Chopper CID that will result in $2M+ income plus renovation.


City provides CARES Grants to local businesses and partners

New City Finance Director, Vonda Floyd is hired.


New ambulance purchased, but we are still waiting on delivery.

Fire Chief Paul Tribble retires and Former Fire Chief Bill Stewart steps in to assist, interviews underway now for new Fire Chief

Golf Course:

Will be under new management as of February 1, 2021.

Banner year in 2020 with more than 27,000 rounds of golf!

Parks and Recreation:

Rainbow Splash Pad Project work is underway, expecting to open in the Spring.

Superior Springs Pagoda Wall is rebuilt in East Valley Park.

Strategic Planning began throughout all City departments.

Senior program has pivoted to meal deliveries and has been instrumental in making contact with homebound seniors in our community. Senior Center Director Jeff Barge calls each of them every week. He’s also gotten a grant to purchase iPads that they can check out to have interaction with family, doctors, etc.


MARR System contracted as a new communication software and equipment for our police department. This is now being expanded to our fire department so our emergency responders are securely connected with the other agencies throughout the Kansas City area.

UTV ordinance approved that now allows UTVs be driven on streets

Public Works:

Shirewood Sewer Project completed

410 E Broadway demolished and 407 E Broadway housing project completed as the first project in the East Broadway Redevelopment Project

With Coronavirus, the city suspended utility bill disconnects temporarily as they worked with residents. Funding is provided through Good Samaritan Center to citizens needing assistance with utility bills.

A new Cemetery GIS system is being put into place that allows individuals to research who is buried at sites and what plots are available.

Dead Ash trees are being removed from cemeteries

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  1. Pingback: Restorative Techniques Massage Therapy Now Open in Excelsior Springs | Courtney S. Cole

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