Restorative Techniques Massage Therapy Now Open in Excelsior Springs

Jessecah Jennings is a licensed massage therapist that opened her practice Restorative Techniques Massage Therapy in a shared space with First Resort Chiropractic last August. With a focus on the medical side, her partnership with Chiropractor Katie Willimetz, DC, is a perfect fit.

“People can come to see Katie and before receive a massage in the same space,” explained Jennings. “If you get a massage before receiving an adjustment, it works a lot longer.”

Jennings recently became a licensed massage therapist from Pinnacle Career Institute, only having graduated last July. She used her student loans to buy an electric table and start her practice. Opening within a month of graduating, there were definitely challenges with being in a pandemic. The partnership that she has with Willimetz benefits them both.

“Working with Katie, she can communicate to me what to be aware of when it comes to the person that we are working with,” Jennings said. “We often work on people who have been through accidents. Maybe they have a neck injury or lower back pain. We are also seeing a lot of tech workers needing help because of spending more time working on computers from home.”

Jessecah Jennings, left, with business partner Katie Willimetz, DC

What sets Jennings apart from others is that she doesn’t operate under a franchise or chain. She doesn’t have to use the same techniques and considers what will work best for the client’s needs at that time. Her convenient partnership also allows those who are experiencing problems get the fastest care that they need.

To make an appointment with Jennings, call 816-226-7033 or visit Her office is located within First Resort Chiropractic in the Vintage Plaza at 2330 Vintage Court, Excelsior Springs.

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